The Mesame Street shows makes a lot of fun things for children. And one of these is to count down the days until Christmas. It's a great activity to do with your children. But as they get older, this might prove to be a bit too much for them. So here is a simple solution for making the counting down fun for them.
For older kids, they can keep a small diary or journal where they write down each day how many days until Christmas. This allows them to keep track and have fun with it. While we all know that Christmas is a very special occasion, it can sometimes be hard for our young ones to keep up.
If you have a camera, then you can capture some of their fun activities. Take some time with your child to take pictures of what they are doing. If they are having a lot of fun, then make sure you record their every activity. This will make it easier when you are trying to decide which number has the most fun value.
When you get to the day that you want to present your child with the number that they have written in the diary, then make sure you remember to take some pictures. You will need to set aside some time when you and your child can sit down and have a candid discussion about what number is the most fun. Some parents may even take the time to review the pictures you took. This gives them an idea of what type of pictures they might like to have. While you are discussing this, make sure you keep the mood lighthearted. You don't want to spoil the fun by getting upset over something.
Now that the discussion is over, you should go over the decision together. Have your child hand you the list of numbers. Have him or her look at each of the numbers. You should also look at the written diary that you have compiled. Try not to let any of the numbers out of place.
Sesame Street is a great show that can provide a lot of excitement for your child. It is a good idea to count the fun characters on a piece of paper before hand. This will make it easier for you when you are talking with your child. When you hand the list out to her, she will be excited to see how many she has to choose from.
Now you need to start counting backwards. You want to make sure you do not make the mistake of simply saying, "One... Two... Three." Rather, you will want to count backwards while thinking of the number you came up with. When you reach ten, you should make the choice that you are going to tell her.
While this might sound like a lot of work, it really isn't. Remember, this is all part of having a great time watching the Sesame Street characters grow and learn. It is a very educational program that helps your children develop valuable social skills. Once your child sees how much fun she is having, you will likely find that she wants to watch the show all the time. When you tell her, make sure she knows it's all for fun and she will enjoy her trip to the street.
Of course, there are other ways that you can help your child with this. One of them is to keep track of your child's successes and failures on this show. You will be surprised at just how much you can help your child by tracking her progress. It will encourage her to continue studying and to try harder, which will bring you closer to the goal you have for her. As she becomes more advanced, you will likely find that she will ask more of you to come along to watch her favorite show.
You can also make the experience more fun by planning ahead so that you can take her to the show when it is scheduled. You will likely find that you can plan a great day that includes a trip to see the Big Bird show, dancing to the bands, and much more. If you take the time to plan appropriately, you will soon find that you can spend a lot of quality time together.
When you start to watch Mesame Street online, you will likely notice that a number of countries and cultures are represented. There are many shows that are not originally from America or Canada. In these cases, it can be fun to focus on a common culture while teaching your children about another culture. This is not only educational for your children, but it can provide them with strong examples for their own understanding of the world. Count it higher!
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